阿里云国际站注册教程:ae域名 注册码

Sure, here are the steps to register on the Alibaba Cloud International website and get an .ae domain registration code:

阿里云国际站注册教程:ae域名 注册码

Step-by-Step Guide to Register on Alibaba Cloud International and Obtain an .ae Domain Registration Code

1. Create an Alibaba Cloud Account

  • Visit the Website: Go to Alibaba Cloud International.
  • Sign Up: Click on the “Sign Up” button usually located at the top right corner of the homepage.
  • Fill in Your Details: Provide the required information, such as your email address, password, and any other necessary details.
  • Verification: Complete the email or mobile verification process to activate your account.

2. Log In to Your Alibaba Cloud Account

  • Log In: Use your registered email and password to log in to your Alibaba Cloud account.

3. Access the Domain Registration Section

  • Navigate to Domains: From the Alibaba Cloud homepage, go to “Products” and find the “Domains & Websites” section.
  • Select Domains: Click on “Domains” to access the domain management and registration page.

4. Search for an .ae Domain

  • Search for Domain: Use the domain search tool to check the availability of your desired .ae domain.
  • Check Availability: If the domain is available, you will see an option to proceed with the registration.

5. Register the .ae Domain

  • Select the Domain: Select the .ae domain you wish to register.
  • Add to Cart: Click on the “Add to Cart” or similar button to proceed with the registration.
  • Provide Required Information: Fill in the necessary details for the domain registration, such as your contact information and any required documentation.

6. Obtain the Registration Code

  • Complete the Purchase: Follow the prompts to complete the purchase. This may include entering payment information and reviewing your order.
  • Confirmation Email: After completing the purchase, you should receive a confirmation email with the registration details and the .ae domain registration code.
  • Access Your Registration Code: Log in to your Alibaba Cloud account if needed, and navigate to your domain management section to view your registration code and manage your domain.


  • Check Promotions: Alibaba Cloud often has promotions or discounts for new users. Look for any available offers that might benefit you.
  • Support: If you encounter any issues during the registration process, Alibaba Cloud offers customer support that can assist you with any questions or problems.

By following these steps, you should be able to register on the Alibaba Cloud International website and obtain your .ae domain registration code.


上一篇 2024年7月11日 09:52
下一篇 2024年7月11日 10:00


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